On-call is an opportunity

Written on 16 August 2023, 8 min read.

For an audio conversation covering similar themes, check out my interview on the Slight Reliability Podcast.

On-call in software teams has a bad reputation. Niall Murphy’s 2018 polemic, Against On-Call is well worth a watch if you need a refresher on the many reasons why the reputation is justified.

Despite the current reputation, on-call can and should be an activity that every software engineer participates in and finds some measure of fulfilment from. Similar to how type 2 fun provides fulfilment after the fact even when not enjoyable in the moment.

I’ve spoken with many people who confirm that on-call in their teams today doesn’t provide any fulfilment and is simply seen as a necessary duty that must be borne. Unsurprisingly given this mindset many teams struggle to find sufficient people to provide on-call coverage for their services.

Let’s consider how we might change that.

On-call is inevitable

Software systems are complex. We absolutely can and must do our best to engineer them to avoid failure and be robust in the face of known risks, but good engineering is not enough. Complex systems are dynamic, constantly operating in a degraded mode and even with the best engineering still rely on the activities of human operators to keep the system within the bounds of acceptable performance.

Many of those activities can and do happen within the context of our day-to-day work, but surprises are inevitable in a complex system, and therefore so is the need for a response, often at inconvenient times. Even in a perfect world where magic or amazing engineering skills guarantee surprises occur only during business hours it is still desirable to avoid disrupting everyone’s productivity in response.

These realities dictate that whether anticipated or not, any software team operating a production system will need an on-call role to be filled. By its nature (responding to surprises that are potentially negatively impacting the users of the system) the role will be stressful and no amount of engineering work or better software can eliminate the need for it.

Acknowledging the inevitability of the role’s existence provides an obvious path to minimising and managing the stress involved through preparation, practice and processes, but there is also a deeper opportunity. Given the right environment, on-call has the potential to evolve from a burdensome duty into an effective method of gaining and maintaining expertise that makes us better engineers and expands the capability our our teams.

Effective on-call requires support from every aspect of a team

Creating an environment that enables on-call to fulfil that potential requires every aspect of a team’s practices to support effective execution of the role. Attempts to add on-call as a discrete, additional responsibility alongside other work will result in continued poor on-call experiences.

Integrating on-call into a team usually begins with consideration of how big surprises (often called incidents) are responded to. Incidents have high potential for harm and are rich sources from which to draw insight and learning. Clear incident management processes provide guard rails against the harm and can be a foundation upon which the insights and learning can be mined.

Incident management is a necessary start, but successful integration of on-call into a team also requires attention to all the time spent outside of incidents. This needs to cover a wide range of aspects including the logistics and scheduling of the on-call rotation, monitoring and alerting health, training of team members to instil confidence in their ability to fulfil the role, effective practices for learning and distributing knowledge, the ability of the team to improve the system and many other aspects in between.

Underlying everything, the team must have, or be developing, a culture that values learning and provides support and encouragement. Nurturing this culture and the investment required across all aspects of the team is almost impossible to justify when the perception of on-call is simply that it’s a duty to be borne.

On-call makes you a better engineer

Luckily that perception, although widespread, could not be further from the truth. Far from being just a duty, on-call is the best opportunity a software developer has to develop and hone their expertise with complex software systems and how they fail.

Without this experience our individual and collective ability to safely and reliably develop software systems is diminished. Avoiding on-call - whether through outsourcing to a different set of people, or minimizing the time and energy we invest in our execution of the role may appear beneficial in the short-term, but ultimately lowers our overall software delivery performance and capability.

This is not a new argument. Charity Majors and Cindy Sridharan articulated similar themes back in 2018, and it’s no accident that the list of capabilities the Accelerate book and DORA reports describe as predictive of high performing teams overlap significantly with the team capabilities and culture that delivers effective on-call.

The best software developers will always be those who use effective, fulfilling on-call practices as an opportunity for growth and development as they support their software in production.

Checking the direction of travel

Understanding whether a team’s culture and practices are delivering growth can be slow to rigorously measure. I’ve found that asking participants if on-call feels a bit like type 2 fun from the the fun scale is a much better proxy to quickly establish whether the team is on track to realise the potential of on-call.

the fun scale
Image: sketchplanations.com

On-call is never type 1 fun that’s enjoyable in the moment. There’s too much inherent stress involved for that. But when it fits the model of type 2 fun (a little painful in the moment but fulfilling to look back upon) it’s highly likely that both opportunities described above are being realised and the team will be experiencing growth in their expertise. In this environment, on-call is recognised as fulfilling a purpose, rather than being just a duty to perform.

If on-call only provides adrenalin rushes and stories of pain there is still investment required to create the environment that allows on-call’s potential to be realised.

Growth through iteration

When the value of integrating on-call into every aspect of the team is understood, the remaining challenge is how to balance that investment against the other demands on the team. The answer to start with a single small improvement.

Change is best achieved by setting a goal (fulfilling on-call) and committing to iterative experiments to move towards it. Pick the smallest improvement that can be quickly delivered, complete it, and then do it again. Achieving fulfilling on-call is not a one-off project you need to fund. It’s a constant series of small improvements delivered over time alongside all the other work and impact the team is also undertaking.

While this process is primarily cultural - you can’t buy a piece of software that will speed run you to the end, there is a way that software can help.

Culture is defined by how you act. The most effective method to develop a new culture or practice in a team is to start acting in the way you’d like the culture to reflect. Software can be a tool to enable and encourage these experiments by making it easy and straightforward to undertake the desired behaviours.

The narrow scope of existing tools

There’s a lot of existing incident management software available. Some of it definitely helps improve the incident response aspect of on-call, providing useful functionality that enhances the preparation, practice and processes for how surprises are managed. The best software even recognises the value of learning from incidents and aims to encourage that outcome.

But as useful as many of these tools are, they’re not complete. The focus on responding to incidents, minimizing their impact and optimizing the time spent responding to them means the breadth of features oriented towards the non-incident aspects of on-call are very limited, and the cycle of on-call being experienced as a burdensome duty to be performed and then moved on from continues.

Iterative growth of fulfilling on-call practices in a team is only enabled when capabilities that minimise the harm and stress associated with on-call and facilitate learning and knowledge sharing are available throughout the lifetime of a team, not just during on-call shifts and incident response.

A product opportunity

This calls for a product that can wrap around existing incident response tools to provide the missing capabilities (e.g. flexible scheduling, easy straightforward shift swaps, a clear curriculum and training programme, straightforward analysis and sharing of knowledge derived from on-call, etc).

A product that delivers these capabilities not only provides easy options to solve common pain points that make the typical on-call experience burdensome at each iteration steps, but the combination of capabilities together further reinforces and strengthens the ability of a team to use on-call as an opportunity for iterative growth of expertise.

It’s not a silver bullet, but it’s a recipe that I’ve seen work many times.

So should I build this?

The problem space certainly fits my criteria of solving a problem in my area of expertise and the conversations I’ve had with many people from a variety of companies of the last month have validated that existing products are not solving the problems discussed.

But are the problems and pain bad enough people would pay good money to solve them? The conversations to date have given me a number of insights into the variety of perspectives and appetite for addressing this that exist, but are not yet conclusive that there is a viable business model here.

My next step is to pitch a more detailed description of the product outline above and test whether the value I could deliver is compelling enough to drive some commitments.

Watch this space for updates on whether that’s successful!

Subsequent posts: Mental models of on-call.

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